Shtoni: Nr.477, Rruga Jingqi, Zona Industriale e Qendrës, Yueqing, Zhejiang, Kinë
Baza e prodhimit të kushinetave dhe njësive qendrore
Baza e prodhimit të jastëkëve të frenave
Baza e prodhimit të pjesëve drejtuese
Baza e prodhimit të Shocks & Struts
Baza e prodhimit të pjesëve të pezullimit
Baza e prodhimit të pjesëve të gomës metalike
1.2 milion komplete/vit
Presja e dyfishtë e fërkimit të diskut, furra elektrike me frekuencë të mesme,
Veglat e makinerive CNC, makineri bluarëse me brazda të jashtme, qendra e përpunimit të shpimit dhe bluarjes
Tabelat e frenave: 3 milion komplete/vit
Disku i frenave: 3 milion komplete/vit
Mbushja e frenave: mikser automatik me vakum, shtypje me raport të barabartë me gjashtë stacione
Disku i frenave: linja e formimit me presion statik, torno CNC e dyfishtë vertikale e diskut
3 milionë komplete/vit
Makinë automatike falsifikuese /Torno përpunuese automatike
4 milionë komplete/vit
Makinë e montimit automatik
2 milionë komplete/vit
Makinë e vazhdueshme e grushtimit
3 milionë komplete/vit
Makinë automatike ngjitëse
Is your procurement process verye komplikuar dhe e mundimshme?
Jeni në dilemë për shkak tëkualiteti i produktit??
Jeni të shqetësuar ngadata e gjatë e dorëzimit?
A e bënproblem tekniki produktit duhet të zgjidhet urgjentisht?
Capital SHORTA, Can't support business expansion?
1. "It is even better than my chinese purchasing department". In addition to their self-produced parts , their cooperative automotive parts factories and wholesalers can also provide goods and services at preferential prices.
2. "Fast and reliable aftermarket auto parts wholesale " .When my last supplier made a mess.,they provide a suitable auto parts supplier for me within a week, which solved my urgent need.
3. "Good quality and affordable price", I can't imagine that the quality of wholesale auto part at this price is so good, but they succeeded.
Feedback From
Dubai importer
1. "It's more time-saving !" before that, it always took me a lot of time to compare and find different automotive part wholesaler even distributor to complete orders for multiple categories.
Now, one order can solve all problems.
2. "The tedious things have become simpler and my worries have been reduced.". They gave me complete automotive parts solutions to help me solve the trade process and logistics. How delightful and relaxing!
3. "Fast and excellent" I have found many suppliers of automotive parts wholesale before, but there are always quality problems, but they can control the quality while pursuing speed.
Feedback From
Bahamas importer
1. "He meets my needs" I have several auto parts chain stores in Marrakesh, and there are many types of auto parts. I can order in time to when my last wholesale auto parts are almost sold out. It is often fast and efficient.
2. "Excellent brand ". Good reputation allows me to quickly wholesale their aftermarket car spare parts.
3. "Delivery time is short" ,logistics information is updated in real time and is highly efficient.
Feedback From
Morocco importer